As part to learn and help eradicate poverty in all forms, one day Training Workshop was held on Multidimensional Poverty for Atwima Kwanwoma District Assembly. It was organized by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) and its development partners, for District Planning Coordinating Unit (DPCU) Members on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 at the Assembly’s Conference room, at 10:22am prompt.
The aims of the training were to let the members understand the following;
- Concept of Multidimensional poverty Index is
- Dimensions of MPI
- Indicators, Deprivation Cut-Offs .and Weights
- Regional Status of MPI
- District Snapshot of MPI
- Introduction of GSS Statsbank portal
The following Dignitaries were in attendance:
The District Chief Executive, The Municipal Coordinating Director, Planning Officer, Budget Officer, Physical Planning Officer, Works Officer, Health Director, Education Director, Agric Officer, Police Commander, Human Resource Manager, Social Welfare Officer and Statistical Officer.
A representative from GSS, Mr. Patrick Adozor came to supervise the Statistical who facilitated the training.
At the end of the training, Members got to know that, 13.8 percent of the population live in multidimensional poverty and the average intensity of poverty is 43.3 percent. This means that in Atwima Kwanwoma the Multidimensional Poverty Index is estimated to be 0.060.
Atwima Kwanwoma is placed 49th out of the 261 districts in terms of the percentage of population living in multidimensional poor households. Within the Ashanti Region it is placed 15th out of 43 districts (a lower number indicates less poverty).
Atwima Kwanwoma is most deprived in the areas of improved toilet facilities (60.6%), lack of health insurance coverage (47.5%), and overcrowding (35.7%). For two out of 13 indicators, Atwima Kwanwoma had a higher deprivation than the national averages.
Below are some pictures taken during the training;