The Atwima Kwanwoma District held its 65th Independence Day celebration on Sunday 6th March, 2022 at Atwima Trede. This year’s Independence marked Ghana’s 65 years of freedom from colonial rule. The theme for the 65th independence was dubbed “Working Together, Bouncing back together.The Member of Parliament and Deputy Defense minister, Hon. Kofi Amankwa Manu addressed the parade and expressed his happiness for being present for the District’s celebration and said that the 65th Independence celebration was the first for both himself and the DCE in the District, since they assumed their positions for the District.He noted that as the Deputy Defense minister, he and his minister with the Ghana Armed Forces would do whatever they can to protect the peace of the country.He then autioned the people to desist from the thought of any coup as it is something not to be proud of. Hon. Amankwa Manu could not bring his speech to an end without talking about measures and mechanisms being put in place to fix the roads in the District.There were many dignitaries present for the celebration among which were, the DCE, Hon. Prince Karikari, MP, Hon. Kofi Amankwa Manu, DCD, Madam Eunice Korankye, Nana Tredehene, Nana Nuben Srah III, Units and Heads of Departments, Nananom, Hon. Assembly Members, Teachers and Students from various schools across the District.

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