The Atwima Kwanwoma District held its 66th Independence Day celebration on Sunday 6th March, 2023 at Twedie Technical institute. This year’s Independence marked Ghana’s 66 years of freedom from colonial rule. The theme for the 66th independence was dubbed “Working Together, Bouncing back together.There were many dignitaries present for the celebration among which were, the DCE, Hon. Prince Karikari, MP, Hon. Kofi Amankwa Manu, DCD, Madam Eunice Korankye, Nana Tredehene, Nana Nuben Srah III, Units and Heads of Departments, Nananom, Hon. Assembly Members, Teachers and Students from various schools across the District.The celebration commenced with the arrival of the District Chief Executive, Hon. Prince Karikari, the Member of Parliament for Atwima Kwanwoma District, Hon. Kofi Amankwa Manu and the chairman for the celebration Nana Tredehene, Nana Nuben Srah III.Nananom, poured libation on behalf of the country and people of Atwima Kwanwoma after which a prayer followed.Nana chairman, Nana Nuben Srah III, gave the welcome address to welcome all students and dignitaries present to his land.The District Chief Executive, Hon. Prince Karikari was requested to inspect the parade by a commander from Afua Kobi Ampem SHS Cadet. Out of the schools in the District, 25 schools were present with 2 cadets and 1 NGO.After DCE’s inspection, the Member of Parliament and Deputy Defence minister, Hon. Kofi Amankwa Manu addressed the parade. He started by expressing his happiness for being present for the District’s celebration and said that the 65th Independence celebration was the first for both himself and the DCE in the District, since they assumed their positions for the District.Hon. Kofi Amankwa Manu rallied for support from the people of Atwima Kwanwoma for the District Chief Executive to help him succeed in all his endeavors while performing his duties to the District.He noted that as the Deputy Defence minister, he and his minister with the Ghana Armed Forces would do whatever they can to protect the peace of the country.He caution the people to desist from the thought of coup as it is something not to be proud of. Hon. Amankwa Manu could not bring his speech to an end without talking about measures and mechanisms being put in place to fix the roads in the District.He also made mention of how his Livelihood Empowerment program (KAMLEP) had catered for 102 people in the District in terms of tools and skill acquisition.Hon. Amankwa Manu urged the people to fight the good fight for Atwima Kwanwoma District and prayed that the 65yrs bring good tidings to Ghana and Atwima Kwanwoma District.The District chief Executive, Hon. Prince Karikari said thatNana Chairman, Nana Nuben Srah III, addressing the people said that it would be important for everyone to hold on to peace and discard any thought of coup because everybody would suffer in case it happens. He further said that when we talk about the embodiment of the government, it is the people who are the government and so everybody should do their quota without solely depending on the leaders.To the students, he emphasized on Education and cited examples using the dignitaries and how important education is to their wellbeing. He advised that they should take advantage of the free SHS policy and improve themselves. The Assembly also presented the schools present with certificates of participation and awarded the winners of the match past with some items which included a wall clock, trophy, football and others. SOURCE;SAMUEL ANTWI ISD

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