The District Chief Executive for Atwima Kwanwoma District, Hon. Prince Karikari, and the Director for Education, Madam Doris Ofori, on Monday, August 7, 2023, toured some Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E) centres to have firsthand information on the exermination exercise.The DCE, together with other stakeholders toured some selected centres including Great Faith, Brofoyedu, Marist, Kwanwoma and Ahenema Kokoben JHS. A total of 7,512 candidates were sitting for the exams across the district, comprising of 3,796 females and 3,716 males, drawn from the various schools. Sixty-two (62) students were absent with 29 boys and 33 girls respectively with different excuses on the basis of sickness, truancy and some having travelled.Hon. Prince Karikari, said he was motivated to join the team for the monitoring of the BECE to have firsthand information the success of the examination.He advised the candidate to eschew all forms of malpractices and concentrate on what they have been taught over the years and prepare adequately to propel them to higher heights on the academic ladder.He urged them to make the district proud as their predecessors have always done as they remain calm and focus to enhance them write their papers without any fear or pressure.On the part of the Director of Education, Madam Doris Ofori, admonished the students to go by exams rules and desist from malpractice to avoid trouble for themselves and their schools.She commended all stakeholders for availing themselves to work towards the development in terms of education. SOURCE; SAMUEL ANTWI ISD

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