In recent years, majority of Ghanaians had called the President, Nana Akufo-Addo to reshuffle and even cut down the size of his ministers because some citizens felt a number of them were under performing.

On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, when a statement was released that the President, has relieved some ministers and deputy minister of their portfolio in government, some populace poured out their thoughts on social media and even on the streets with so much brouhaha with regards to the long overdue reshuffle they have expected which the people of Atwima Kwanwoma District were not exceptional.

The anticipated reshuffle after communicated was received with mixed reactions by a cross-section of the public in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of the Ashanti Region. 

While some members of the public receive the news with great joy, hailing the President as a listening father, others also believed it was long overdue and that the mess had already been caused for the country.

According to a section of the public, the President’s release to make changes in his government was welcoming news for Ghanaians and a step to emulate as citizens had called for countless times.

They continued that, a coach does not change a well performing team unless the match is almost done and would want to make changes by resting the quality players for another task ahead hence the delay in reshuffle. “No coach would listen to fans and suddenly make changes in his team while the players are playing to suit his tactics and believes that they will give him the needed points, though they the team may not be possessing much but it is also not making mistakes and not conceding as well”, they added.

These respondents believed that the Nana Addo led administration knew what it was doing with regards to the numerous challenges facing the country. They were very optimistic that those problems could not be solved overnight and therefore called on all well-meaning Ghanaians to support the president win that battle indicating that, making changes and re-assigning some ministers show his commitment to listen to his people and do the needful when the need be.

Others on the other hand with diverse opinion also criticized the Akufo-Addo administration for failing to crack the whip but rather decided to shield some underperforming officials in his government which indicated how weak and the caliber of a government the country is experiencing currently.

They called on the government to deliver on its campaign promise with regards to corruption and allow the state institutions work to unravel the mystery surrounding his create, loot and share government rather than clearing corrupt officials of their evil deeds.  These respondents added that, the President as a lawyer has disappointed the country because he has exonerated all officials who one way or the other were involved in a corrupt practice and have interfered in such cases, ranging from galamsey, sports, money laundering and many others.

In their further discussions, they indicated that, if the government was that clean and confident, then it could have taken steps to reshuffle long ago than to wait till this eleventh hour where they have amassed enough wealth at the expense of the shrinking economy. “Nana Addo should have reduced the size of his appointees and relieved all the deputy ministers to prove that what the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia said on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 that he will be working with fifty ministers in his government when voted as a President is possible just to regain the trust of the people and also save enough money to revamp the economy.

A pocket full of the respondents called for peace and give the President the benefit of the doubt to pick up the broken pieces together and put things in order. The explained that, it is never late than ever and that if the government has good intentions of putting the economy back on track, it could do that with ease even before the end of the year to ensure economic stability.

The President, Nana Akufo-Addo, was asked to listen to the cry of his people as a President and try to reduce the size of his government and protect the public purse as he promised the nation.




                                                                                                  SAMUEL ANTWI

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