Report on Zonal Meetings at Mpatasie and Afrancho Communities – Planting for Food and Jobs Phase II (PFJ 2.0)

This report details two zonal meetings held under the Planting for Food and Jobs Phase II (PFJ 2.0) program. The meetings aimed to raise awareness and educate farmers in Mpatasie and Afrancho about the program’s objectives and benefits.


  • Mpatasie: The meeting was held on April 12th, 2024, with a total attendance of 15 participants. The gender breakdown was 10 males and 5 females.

Afrancho: The meeting took place on April 18th, 2024, with 30 attendees. The gender breakdown was 23 males and 7 females.


Both meetings served the common purpose of further sensitizing farmers on the PFJ 2.0 program. This involved:

  • Providing an overview of the program’s goals, such as ensuring food security, reducing food price inflation, and creating jobs in the agricultural sector.
  • Explaining the program’s focus on supporting the entire agricultural value chain, potentially including access to inputs, improved storage facilities, processing opportunities, and market connections.
  • Detailing the specific benefits available to farmers under PFJ 2.0, such as zero-interest credit for purchasing inputs.


These zonal meetings played a crucial role in promoting the PFJ 2.0 program within the Mpatasie and Afrancho communities. By directly engaging with farmers, the program representatives addressed questions and concerns, fostering a more informed and engaged farming population. Source SOLOMON ANTW AGRICULTURE

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