The Member of Parliament (MP) for Atwima Kwanwoma District, Hon. Kofi Amankwah-Manu Esq, who doubles as the Deputy Minister for Defence, has warned constituents that, he will not intervene on anyone’s behalf and meddle in government’s effort to combat illegal mining better known as Galamsey.

He has served notice to assembly members, chiefs, politicians and other Ghanaians who are backing the illegal miners to desist from same forthright else they would be dealt with if they are found culpable.Addressing members on the occasion first meeting of the fourth session of the District Assembly at Twedie on Friday, May 20, 2023, Mr. Manu said he will act professionally with swift attention since his political will and passion to cast out the practice is high.Currently the topmost discourse in the country for years now has been about the activities of illegal miners that are polluting and regarding all the natural resources in Ghana”, he said.These activities are carried out by some natives together with their counterparts and financiers in largely poor communities in the constituency muddying river bodies, destroying roads which expose people to many dangers as a result of their illegal activities.The Member of Parliament lamented on the unconcern attitudes of security and other officials across the district without fighting the menace with all their strength to make Atwima Kwanwoma a better place to live. “Do not connive with such unscrupulous people undermining government’s effort to fight the act, he advised”.The passionate MP appealed to interested persons to as a matter of urgency put together a proposal together and register their activities so that their activities could be regulated, since it has become a main source of livelihood and any attempt to discourage their practice will not work.

Hon. Amankwah-Manu indicated that, he has no such powers to release impounded excavators to its owners and that those calling on his office to help should desist from it because it will not work.SOURCE ;SAMUEL ANTWI ISD

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