The District Chief Executive of the Atwima Kwanwoma District Assembly (AKDA), Hon. Prince Karikari has delivered his maiden sessional address at the 1st Ordinary Meeting of the 4th Session of the 4th Atwima Kwanwoma District Assembly held on Friday, May 19, 2023 at the District Assembly hall.Section 28 (1) and (2) (a) of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936) requires that, every Chief Executive, address the Assembly at the beginning of each session on the programmes and policies determined by the President and also present a report on the performance of the District Authority, his office and that of the state of the district at large.

According to the DCE, the report was on the projects and programmes as well as key activities carried out in pursuance of the Assembly’s vision to create an enabling environment and also to provide essential services for a good quality of life for the people of Atwima Kwanwoma.



On Governance, the Chief Executive indicated that good governance is associated with effective and more efficient administration which ultimately sets the tone for development and improved service delivery to the citizens. He declared his zeal to spearhead an administrative system that is more direct towards change, consultative and results oriented.He commended his Assembly members, Staff of the Assembly and all key stakeholders that have co-existed peacefully and played their given roles to complement each other for the overall achievement of the desired objectives.He mentioned to stay committed to strengthen the structures to put in policies and programmes that will be of benefit to the people to meet their aspirations ensuring equal resources are channeled into activities that will spearhead the economic, social and political needs of their areas.The Chief Executive used the medium to welcome and acknowledged the newly posted departmental heads and introduced them to the house, urging all to extend to them their unflinching support to better execute their respective roles towards the objectives of the assembly.Mr. Karikari further acknowledged the Members of Parliament for the constituency and expressed his profound gratitude towards his participation in local governance and his great views in designing solutions for issues confronting the district. He added that this will help capitalize on their lobbying skills to win projects for the district since he is a part of a sub-committee to arouse his active interest and sustain his participation as a member of the Assembly.


According to the DCE, a permanent office for the Health Insurance Authority which commenced some few years ago has been completed and commissioned for use. He added that, the assembly has also been able to complete the Ambulance Bay at Bebu to augment the health delivery system in the district, which marks a great feat.


The DCE said the assembly will continue to partner, build and strengthen the ties with other cities for mutual benefits and get some projects completed through such engagements going forward as a growing district.To this end, the DCE said his office will continue to look for avenues and liaise build better relationships with other cities across the globe in the area of partnership in his developmental agenda.


On education, Mr. Karikari mentioned that, the city of Murnur in Germany has assured o assist the TVET School with solar energy, tools as well as other facilities that will help improve the standards of the school to give it a befitting status.


He hinted that, the district Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) outfit has secured a state of the art fire tender in Kumasi regional headquarters of the GNFS yet to be moved to the district to start its operations in the district.He indicated that, the Twedie District Court which was a central government project has been completed and commissioned to dispense effective justice to the people of the district to enhance the justice delivery system.


On environmental sanitation, the DCE said the vision of the Assembly is to promote sustainable, environmentally sound and cost-effective waste management practices for the citizenry through innovative technologies, customer service and education. He further indicated that, the construction of Household Toilet funded by the World Bank in collaboration with the Government of Ghana started with the eight Municipal Assemblies in Ashanti Region has been extended to Atwima Kwanwoma as one of the beneficiary adjoining districts.He said effective waste management is one of the primary drivers of public health which leads to a healthier citizens who can contribute better to the local economy.


On roads, the DCE said good roads are imperative for the advancement of economic activities and the safety of pedestrians and drivers although incessant indiscipline on the part of road users increases the carnage on our roads, increase travel time and eventually upsets socio-economic development by negatively affecting productivity in the district.He noted that the assembly’s grader has fully been repaired to improve the condition of our roads in the district.He promised to work hard and liaise with the Ministry of Roads and Highways to find lasting solution to the faulty traffic lights in the metropolis that worsens the plight of all road users.


On development projects, Mr. Karikari said a number of project have been left hanging due to the inadequate release of the Common Fund. Notable among those projects are the Asaago CHPS Compound, a six-unit classroom block at Afia Kobi SHS and many others. He indicated his desire to complete at least one of such projects before the year ends.He said the Development Planning Unit of the Assembly coordinated the implementation of various projects and programmes which cut across the various sectors namely Health, Education, Security, Sanitation and others.Hon Prince Karikari, pledged to engage the chiefs since they are agents of development to discuss issues bothering on layouts, revenue generation and cooperation to build the district for the people of Atwima Kwanwoma.He called on all to come on board and turn the crisis into opportunities and rise up to put Atwima Kwanwoma on the radar to make it work and make the district a better place to live in. SOURCE;SAMUEL ANTWI ISD


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