The District Chief Executive for Atwima Kwanwoma District Assembly, Hon. Prince Karikari has received a delegation from Markt Murnau-Germany at his office at Twedie, the district capital on April 18, 2023. The visit, according to the Mayor of Markt Murnau- Municipal Councillor-Germany, Mr. Roif Beuting, seeks to strengthen bilateral sister-city relationship, explore and restructure the potentials of the two areas for the benefit of its people.

The six-member team which was led by the city of Murna Mayor, Mr. Roif Beuting, were warmly received by the DCE of Atwima Kwanwoma, Nana Antwi Agyei Brempong, Atwimahene and some heads of decentralized departments of the Assembly.The DCE, Hon. Prince Karikari and his team expressed delight, saying the visit could help strengthen and collaborate well in the areas of technical education, health and socio-economic resources of the two cities in the coming years.He noted that, Atwima Kwanwoma and the city of Markt Maurnau have certain things in common which will help its relationship, stressing that the two areas would explore their similarities and uniqueness for optimum benefit.

Roif Beuting, the first Mayor of Markt Murnau- Municipal Councillor, said he was very happy for seeing some massive developments in the district over the last four years of their partnership despite the advent of Covid-19.He underscored the benefits both cities will gain from the partnership, stressing that for the two cities to come together and understand each other very well would be meaningful through the means of their experience and expertise see how best they could be of help with their competencies as well.The team together with the Atwimahene, Nana Antwi Agyei Brempong II, who initiated the partnership visited the Twedie Technical School, the on-going District Hospital at Twedie and the Foase dump site to see how best the assembly could be supported in those areas.


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