The December, 2023District Level Elections have commenced nationwide some areas experiencing late start with which the Atwima Kwanwoma District was not exceptional from the many other places witnessing same.The situation according to polling station officials attributed it to late distribution of voting materials to their various centres. Some community folks express worry and disappointment about the situation and urged the EC to take a clue in the district level elections to up their game during the 2024 general elections to curb any such occurrences in the coming months.Some areas the Information Services Department visited during the day were recording long queues. The relevance of the said election was enable eligible voters exercise their franchise to elect Assembly Members to represent their electoral areas in the assembly as well as the five Unit Committee Members in the various electoral areas.

According to the Electoral Commission (EC), the DLE saw quite a significant number of both males and Females contesting to become the Assembly Members of their respective electoral areas across the district.

With that of the Unit Committee Elections, the District Electoral Officer, Mrs. Elizabeth Ohene, indicated that more men showed interested in becoming Unit Committee Members than the women, a situation she said would need more sensitization and education to empower women to as well take the mantle on.SOURCE Samuel Antwi;ISD

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